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Studio Program Basics

We are excited you are interested in learning more about our Studio offering! Contact us today at to arrange a meet and greet and learn more.

Pre-K! 8:30-12 or extended to 4:00

Our MWF Pre-K program brings a concentrated school readiness focus to play. The thematic curriculum of science, math, and literacy utilizes in part the Kickstart Kindergarten offerings from the Learning Without Tears series—you may be familiar for the handwriting program incorporated readily in many local Kindergarten settings: "A flexible, play-based curriculum that offers a full pre-writing program and materials that build critical skills like early math and literacy. It includes three programs designed to prepare children for school: Readiness & Writing, Language & Literacy, and Numbers & Math.”

We will explore writing workshops (we are authors!), sensory science (we can ask big questions), and more. As always emotional-social self regulation is foremost our main school readiness focus and mindfulness and community building activities will play a large role. We are ready to  take the leap and push further into inventive spelling and will bring in sight words as we explore early readers. We are excited to draw from a much beloved  multi-sensory literacy program. Visit where you can find many resources and handouts of support for home.

Art! 8:30-12 or extended to 4:00

Our two day thematic art experiences engage children into the art process and lets them discover and learn while creating beautiful works. We focus on teaching children to start their artwork with a thematic prompt and an introduction to the use of new materials and they create the colorful, detailed, and unique results. We bend guided drawing and art (a great pre-writing exercise) with process art inspired by such greats as Meri Cherry.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

  • Morning snack provided, vegetarian and seasonal, offered mid-morning.

  • All friends must be potty trained and wearing underwear. Children having reoccurring daily accidents or those unable to use the bathroom independently are not potty trained. They must be independent in the bathroom.

  • Friends are 3 and older.

  • A summer program is hosted in the Studio mid-June to end of August for those ages 5 to 6.

  • Located by Hollywood and Laurelhurst.

  • Hours are morning only, an extended option for 12-4:00 is available for a group of 10. Those friends must be able to have a successful day without a nap.

Why Art?

Art is hands on and develops eye-hand coordination.

Art engages all sense and promotes creativity.

Art promotes print and symbol awareness, visual literacy, and spatial relations.

Art is both self-expressive and community centered.

We explore such themes and mediums as:

Classic artists, literature inspired works, math in art, color theory, self-portraits, mixed media, still life…

Clay, oil and chalk pastels, watercolors, ink, recyclables, glues, scissor work, wire and beading…

What is Pre-K?

Pre-K is the stair step to Kindergarten, our goals focus on readiness skills in early literacy, math, and science while fostering social and life skills.

We explore such themes as:

Science: cause and effect, why, weather and seasons, living and non living things, animal and plant traits…

Math: Measure, sort, classify, time and sequencing, quantities, number words, shapes…

Readiness and Writing: Pencil grip, names, uppercase letters, fine motor tasks, inventive spelling…

Language and Lit: Phonics, song, rhyme, books, active listening and speaking, letters in print and sound…

Social and Life Skills: Independent skills, self-help, classroom jobs, problem solving, caregiving, peer communication…

Thematic Learning

The Pre-K and Art curriculum works in conjunction across the week. An example theme for a week could be Clocks. Pre-k friends would explore the parts of a clock, arrange themselves at circle on a giant clock, talk about their routine and schedule of the day, and sort various actions into lengths of time with story cards such as a good bye may take 1 second and brushing your teeth 1 minute. Meanwhile with art friends would begin a mixed media collage on Tuesday and construct their cuckoo clock creations on Thursday.

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Below is a sample schedule of our half day offering.

8:30-8:55 Free Play and open drop off window. Due to the shortened length of the morning program 8:55 is a firm arrival time. Friends may arrive prior to 8:30 (and after 8:00) on a per-approved basis.

9:00 Morning Gathering. Welcome song, plan of the day, book of the day

9:15 Project and play begins. Free play centers may include: architecture city blocks, water table, group easel, reading loft, dollhouse, stamping at the writing center…

Project/activities may occur 1:1 or in groups

10:00 Snack. All friends join the table to snack and socialize

10:15 Pre-K Circle time

10:30 Project and play resumes.

11:00 Song or Story Circle

11:15 Dance party, yoga, neighborhood walk, playground

11:55 Goodbye circle

12:00 Pick Up

12:15 Lunch Bunch for those electing extended care

1:00 Stories and Songs

1:30 Free play and free art. Science, math, or nature studies are the afternoon feature!

2:30-4:00 Pick up window.

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